Abridged Series Wiki
Inuyasha Sagas
Inuyasha Sagas Logo 1

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01/01/2010 - Present.



A series created by VegetaSasuke0 that so far has spawned one episode, with another on the way.


This series was supposed to be a fun little side project while the other projects that VegetaSasuke0 was working on had gone on a hiatus.

Episode 2 had been in development hell for almost 7 years, while it has been in the editing process for almost 3 years, most consider the editing itself to be in a development hell kind of status on it's own due to constant changes with the voice actresses for Kagome, but VegetaSasuke0 hopes to get the episode out by the end of 2017.


  • VegetaSasuke0 - Miroku,Koga,Seshomaru, Naraku,& Byakuya.
  • SoulReaperHikuru - Inuyasha (episode 2 onwards).
  • IamKitsumi - Inuyasha (episode 1), Kohaku, Sōta Higurashi (episode 1), Kaede (episode 1) , Totosai, Shippo, Myoga, Kagome's Grandfather, Moryomaru, Hakudoshi, & Jinenji.
  • TwilightWolf183 - Bankotsu, Jaken.
  • HokageTitan - Onigumo, & Suikotsu.
  • lightofhope18 (Mochidzuki) - Kagome, Kagome's Mother, & Kikyo (all episode 1)
  • Imtruetome - Kagome 1/2 (Episode 2)
  • Glaringshare (HeavenStare) - Kagome 2/2 (Episode 2)


Character Name Character Picture Character Description Appearance
Inuyasha Sagas - Inuyasha Character Profile Picture
Inuyasha is a smug half demon who makes jokes. He is considered to be the Deadpool of his universe, mainly because he tends to break the fourth wall quite a bit. Episode 01
Kagome Higurashi
Inuyasha Sagas - Kagome Character Profile Picture
Kagome is the reincarnation of Inuyasha's long dead lover known as Kikyo. Kagome is considered a spaz among her friends & family. Episode 01
Inuyasha Sagas - Kikyo Character Profile Picture
Kikyo is a priestess who died to protect the Shikon No Tama (or to put it bluntly the "Shikon Jewel"). Episode 01
Inuyasha Sagas - Kaede Character Profile Picture
Kaede is the sister of Kikyo, she outlived her sister & is considered to be very wise, but to others she is very much insane. Episode 01

Episode List[]

Thumbnail Episode Release Date
Episode 01 Thumbnail-0
Episode 01 Jan 1, 2010
Inuyasha Sagas Episode 02 Thumbnail
Episode 02 TBA

Related Projects[]


  • VegetaSasuke0 has had much trouble finding one person to remain as the voice of Kagome over the time of the series.

Archived Series.

The Series in this article has been added to the Abridged Archive

Attempts will be made to keep up with newer episodes
